Strasbourg 2050 by "Futurs Proches".
Futurs Proches is an association of facilitators, consultants, and creatives supporting organizations, communities, etc to imagine desirable futures.
The principle is simple, they put together a group of people, they create teams, and they guide them through a methodology to imagine a desirable future and express through a story.
I've collaborated with them in many workshops and recently Futurs Proches collaborated with the French city of Strasbourg to imagine the city in 2050.
They got together, they created stories and they sent them to me.
My task was to create posters that represent what the teams imagined as 2050 Strasbourg. The stories were focused on a kind, respectful to nature, and ethnical diverse future where people learn to eat warms, generate their own hot water using solar power, using avocado skins to dye fabric, create collaborative education systems and where children spend the summer visiting their grandfathers at their farms.
The stories are much more complex than that, but then again, my pleasure is to help and visualize what they imagined in a process of collective intelligence.
If you want to know more about futurs proches click here.